Eye candy 7 activation code for mac
Eye candy 7 activation code for mac

eye candy 7 activation code for mac

Sometimes you will find that a particular VPN protocol will be blocked, or perform better or worse, at a location. Select VPN Protocol – Choose your desired VPN type. Usually, choosing the closest to your current location is best for speed, but you have unlimited access to all gateways worldwide and may switch at will. VPN Gateway Quicklist – Choose your desired VPN Gateway. Your real IP address and location is now completely cloaked. Once connected, the client will show your new virtual IP address and location that the rest of the world will see. All things being equal, this will offer you the best performance. Unless low profile mode is enabled, the client detects your current location and IP address and will use that data to “automagically” connect you to the closest VPN Gateway.


Nothing to install on desktop or downloads folder? Skipped it somehow? Login to the Customer Portal and download software from My Services by clicking on the words Download Client Software and then choosing Mac from the popup.

eye candy 7 activation code for mac

That way, if you ever Quit the VPN instead of just disconnecting it, you can just double-click on icon in your Dock to launch it. You can always launch it from there or find the icon in your Dock, click-and-hold on it, and Choose Options-> Keep in Dock. Once you have completed the install the program will be installed in your Mac’s Applications folder. The installer icon will look similar to this on your computer (this website icon is not what you click on) double-click on it, and go through the steps to install the software. Then, go to: My services > Click Mac Download and select the version that matches your system. If you haven’t download the software yet… Click here to log into your customer portal. If you do not there is a possibility for conflicts which can result in connection issues.įind the WiTopia package you just downloaded during activation and double click on it to start the install. It is recommended that you uninstall any previous versions or other vpn connection software BEFORE you install the WiTopia connection software.

Eye candy 7 activation code for mac